The Drama Team is an auditioned group of actors who rehearse and perform at BIBC’s Sunday services. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a growing actor, the Drama Team performs quality drama that entertains, encourages introspection and effectively communicates the message being delivered.
If you would like to audition, please complete the Worship Arts Interest Form. Our Pastor of Worship Arts, Aaron Gibson, will contact you to arrange for your audition time and answer any questions that you may have. You may also email Pastor Aaron or call our office at 912-265-4741.
Got questions about the Drama Team?
Who gets involved with the Drama Team?
The people who are involved with the Drama Team are interested in attending BIBC on a regular basis. They feel gifted and want to use their talents to serve our church, and they have a servant’s heart, ready and willing to serve where needed. Drama Team members perform primarily at the weekend services, but also may perform at other special events or locations.
Do I have to be a member of BIBC to join?
You do not have to be a member in order to join. However, by joining the Worship Arts Team, it is our hope that you will decide to make the commitment to go through NEXT STEPS Class and this season, and officially join the BIBC family.
What do I need to do to audition?
•Sign-up to audition by completing the Worship Arts Info form or by contacting Aaron Gibson (912-265-4741 / and let him know that you would like to audition.
•Relax, and come to the audition ready to have fun and do your best!