The Production Team seeks to creatively and effectively enhance BIBC’s Sunday services through quality media and technical support. The Production Team is comprised of volunteers (both experienced and inexperienced) who serve as Video Editors, Journalists, Media Researchers, Sound Engineers, Lighting & Video Technicians, and Stage & Set Crew. They work together to ensure that all media and technical elements of BIBC’s Sunday services are carried out with excellence.
If you would like to get involved with the Production Team, please complete the Worship Arts Interest Form. Our Pastor of Worship Arts, Aaron Gibson, will contact you. You may also email Pastor Aaron or call our office at 912-265-4741.
Got questions about the Production Team?
Who gets involved with the Production Team?
Anyone with a desire to see BIBC’s worship services be the best they can be. The Production Team is made up of Video Editors, Journalists, Clip Researchers, Sound Engineers, Lighting & Video Technicians, and Stage & Set Crew, who consider BIBC their church home.
Our backgrounds range from active professionals to those with no prior experience, but we strongly believe in “making” crew people of anyone with a desire to learn. We use an on-the-job training approach to work with you, regardless of your skill level.
What does the Production Team do?
The Production Team shoots, edits, and produces the video elements you will see on screen from time to time. We use both original and existing film clips to draw people in to the services, support message points, or promote church wide events like membership and baptism. We also are responsible for editing BIBC’s podcasts for BIBC’s website.
In addition, our team oversees stage direction, and setting up and operating the sound, lighting, video, and stage equipment used to create the look and feel of the worship services. Both areas work closely together and often overlap crew members.
The crew on the Production Team strongly believes that an effective use of media and technology has great power to support and enhance the message of the church. We’re passionate about implementing these areas with creativity and excellence at BIBC, and willing to do whatever it takes to help create transformational moments in people’s lives.
What do I need to do to serve?
- Sign-up to by completing the Worship Arts Interest Form or by contacting Aaron Gibson (912-265-4741 / and let him know that you would like to serve on the team.