We’re glad that you have shown interested in getting involved in one of our Ministry Teams. Please take a few minutes to carefully read the info below before making your commitment. 


The main purpose for ushers is to be available to serve people. Ushers are kind and courteous, but not invasive. We want people to feel comfortable, so we do all we can to make them feel at ease. Ushers try not to draw attention to themselves or to anyone in the congregation. We want an atmosphere where people feel relaxed and safe.


A. Arrive 30 minutes before the service starts so that you can get prepared and save seats for your family.
B. SMILE! Come to church well-rested ready to greet others.
C. Be prepared to answer basic questions.

    1. Schedule of services.
    2. Location of nursery and children’s classrooms, Welcome Center, restrooms, water fountains, telephones, first aid, fire extinguishers, and lost-and-found.
    3. Know the names of church leaders.
    4. Current announcements and upcoming events (read the bulletin before greeting).

D. Let people sit where they want. After most seats have been filled, then help people to find seats. Try to seat families together as much as possible. Give them options where they would like to sit, if options are available. Handicapped persons should be directed to an area designated for wheelchairs. Assist them if necessary.

E. If you unable to serve your scheduled service, contact the Hospitality Coordinator ASAP.


A. Use mints for fresh breathe.
B. Wash your hands before and after greeting.
C. Wear modest and neat apparel.
D. Wear BIBC Hello tag.
E. Maintain a friendly posture. Avoid slumping against a wall or door.


A. Be hospitable.
Treat people as royalty and honored guests. Be conscious to show equality to everyone.

B. Be friendly and cheerful.
Let people know that we’re glad they decided to come to church. They may be having problems in their personal life, and your caring attitude will express the love of God to them. Use discretion with members of the opposite sex. If the opposite gender initiates a hug, hug from side to side.

C. Be positive.
People who want to be heard will sometimes confide their opinions to an Usher. Be careful to always show respect for others and for church leadership. If someone has a complaint or suggestion, ask them to write it down and give it to the Hospitality Coordinator. If someone says something to you in confidence that could be harmful to them or someone else, inform the Hospitality Coordinator so church leadership can handle the situation. If someone is asking for assistance or counseling, have them fill out a Connection Card with their request, but do not try to minister to them or make any promises on behalf of the church.

D. Have a servant’s heart.
Be watchful to acknowledge visitors and welcome each person as they come in. Be careful not to engage in extended conversations with anyone while serving. You can always tell your friends that you will talk to them after the service. Be careful not to use your position as an opportunity to promote your own interests or business. Serve faithfully.

Thank you for taking the time to read the Usher info. If you would like more information about serving on the team click here.