4 Stages Of Giving At BIBC:

Start Giving

If you don’t worship through giving, start. Make your first financial gift, whether it’s a lot or a little.

Give regularly

If you’re an irregular giver, commit to giving regularly – perhaps every Sunday or once per paycheck. 10% of your income is a good target, but if the best you can do right now is, say, 6%, then give 6% regularly and work toward 10% down the road.

Above and Beyond giving

Once you are regularly giving a portion of your income, consider giving above and beyond to the mission and vision God has entrusted to us. This might be a large one-time gift or smaller, regular above and beyond giving.


Once you’re giving above and beyond, consider becoming a “multiplier” by sharing your testimony of God’s faithfulness in your finances, or consider becoming a financial coach/leader during a Life Group Semester.

Although everything we have belongs to God anyway, God himself is a far more lavish, sacrificial giver to us than we could ever be in return. The death and resurrection of Jesus represent the most generous gift ever given — when the King of Glory gave up everything in order to reconcile us to God. Giving cheerfully, sacrificially, and consistently to this King is a part of our worship.

“…though [Jesus] was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9).

We give as an act of worship and thankfulness for the grace God has shown us through Christ. “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
—2 Corinthians 9:7

Give Online

Please follow the link below for secure, online donations.


If you are currently in debt or have had a history of debt problems please do not use your credit card to tithe or give to the church.

Cash or check can be given during our weekend service. If you’d like to receive a tax deduction for cash gifts, the gift should be placed in an offering envelope with your name and address on it. Offering envelopes are available in the seat back in front of you in the worship center.

Blythe Island Baptist Church
Attention: Finance Department
170 Cut Off Road
Brunswick, GA. 31523

Give by Automatic Bill Pay from your Bank:
Automatic Bill Pay is a great way to give regularly and consistently to BIBC. In addition, it saves BIBC transaction and credit card processing fees! That means 100% of your donation goes to fund the operation and vision of BIBC.

Set-up Instructions For Automatic Bill Pay from your bank:

Each bank is set-up slightly different. If you have additional questions, we recommend you contact your bank directly.

  1. Log-in to your online banking. >> For example, www.chase.com.
  2. Select “Bill Pay.”
  3. Select “Add Payee.”
  4. Enter the applicable information for Blythe Island Baptist Church.
  5. In the account number field, please include your phone number and your email address.
  6. Select “Recurring Payment.” Enter the appropriate dollar amount and frequency.
  7. Select “Finish.”

Gifts of stocks and mutual funds provides BIBC with the full value of donated stock while also allowing donors to avoid tax on its appreciated value.

If you would like to give stock to BIBC, or would like more information, please email our Financial Secretary.

There are many ways to provide long-term funding to the local church through estate planning. This is great way to leave a legacy behind and truly scheme for God’s kingdom with your wealth.

For more information on estate planning, please email our Financial Secretary.

BIBC also accepts gifts of property and real estate, depending on the circumstances.
You should consult with your tax advisor to ensure this is the right choice for you. For more information, please email our Financial Secretary.